Reweaving the Body of Self with the Body of Earth


Reweaving the Body of Self with the Body of Earth 𓆱

It is our task to imprint this temporary, perishable Earth into ourselves so deeply, so painfully and passionately, that its essence can rise again, “invisibly,” inside us. We are the bees of the Invisible. We wildly collect the honey of the Visible, to store it in the great golden hive of the Invisible.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Welcome, I am so grateful that you are here.

You are worthy of remembering your place in the Song of Life . . .

I can support you. Together, we will navigate the landscape of self-discovery, self-healing, re-embodiment, and innate wholeness.

My work is guided by plants and their medicine and draws upon the wisdom of ecopsychological and somatic orientations to personal and planetary wellbeing. I am moved by the Song of the Subtle, by the awake intelligence that vibrates deep within our cells, and by the nourishment that is available to us when we remember our wovenness with the animate world.

My work is predicated on the understanding that true healing is reflexive and reciprocal in nature—our individual healing is inherently connected with the healing of the Earth. Each of my offerings unfold within a nature-based ritual container to facilitate wholistic transformation in service of reweaving the body of Self with the body of Earth.

I currently offer the following sessions: Flower Essence Devotionals, Rewoven: Addiction Alchemy, and Vital Being: Wholeness & Renewal. I also offer small-batch, handcrafted herbal creations through Artemisia Atara Apothecary.

Laurel is an exceptional ally and conduit for plant medicine, demonstrating remarkable skill, thoughtfulness, and receptiveness in her practice. She seamlessly integrates extensive training, profound personal insight, and experiential wisdom, resulting in a highly attuned and authentic approach. She stands out among the few practitioners I entrust to co-facilitate my personal healing alongside the broader earth community. She wholeheartedly embodies her work, exhibiting an intuitive and perceptive nature that aids others in self-understanding, integration, and evolution in context of personal and collective dis-ease. Her reverence towards plants and sincere friendship with creation serves as an invaluable gift to all of us. I fully endorse her work for individuals seeking to consciously weave plant medicine into their lives and delve deeper into their healing journey.

༓ Dakota, California ༓

This work is for you if . . .

You desire to work with the gifts of plants in an ecologically conscious, emotionally attuned, humble, and reverent way

You are a highly sensitive person who wishes to cultivate grace, courage, and resiliency in service of a more beautiful world

You are seeking support for patterns of addiction, eating disorders, emotional distress, or other symptoms of living in exile from your wholeness

You desire to return to the ways of your plant-literate ancestors and to activate your cellular memory of being woven with the Earth

You wish to live a more integrated and devotional life—one that empowers you to be of service to both people and planet

Your intuition is giving you a full and embodied yes ♡

It is our primal nature to be in communion with the Earth’s rhythms and cycles—to tune our hearts to the Earth’s songs and reclaim our sense of place within the symphony of Life.

The Earth is a landscape of mirrored abundance and a wellspring for us to call upon when we have lost our way. Through deep listening, we can hear the Earth inviting us back into our bodies. We see that our bodies are not separate from the Earth’s body.

This is a reclamation of sentience.

This is the work of belonging.

This is what our hearts have been longing for all along.